Without a doubt, realizing the dream of owning a home is one of the greatest and most obvious goals of human beings. Having a corner to call “yours”, receive friends and family, make the necessary adjustments to make everything to your liking, is certainly much more pleasant when it comes to owning a residence.

But achieving this goal goes far beyond saving money or accessing good financing: choosing which property (house or apartment, inside or outside a condominium, ground floor or vertical) is not an easy task, but it also doesn’t have to be something regretful.

Here are some precious guidelines on this moment of choice, however, we do not pretend to exhaust the subject! We will talk at another time about the documentation related to the purchase and sale business, about living in condominiums, and in another post, about the possibilities of acquiring real estate on term. Hold on!

For now, let’s start with tips that can guide your choice:

  1. Study your profile and that of your family: those who like gardens, plants and vegetable gardens should prefer properties with a backyard, or at least a balcony with plenty of sunlight and enough area to place some pots.
  2. If your concern is with work, travel from the property you want to buy to your service location at exactly the same time as you would if you were living there.
  3. If you are a fan of silence, need to study at home or have a baby in the family, terraced houses and apartments may not be the best option, as we never know if the neighbor has a guitar or drums. Better not risk it, do you agree?
  4. Check the position of the house in relation to the path of the sun. If you live in a hot city, it is better that the sun shines on your bedroom window in the morning, because by the afternoon the walls will have cooled down. The reverse also applies.
  5. The laundry area must have some portion without cover, for the incidence of the sun at some time of the day, because there is usually a humid environment.
  6. Walk around the neighborhood at night. A bar nearby with live music can become a nightmare for a light sleeper.
  7. If you don’t have your own car, check the proximity of bus and subway stops.
  8. Turn on faucets, flushes, turn on lights and check the number of outlets in the rooms. Old properties usually require a major renovation, which will certainly compromise your budget. This is the time to haggle with the seller.
  9. If you choose to bring your furniture, measure walls where you plan to install larger items (wardrobes, beds, mirrors, etc).
  10. If you are or intend to work in a home office, check the size of the room where you intend to install your work desk. Give preference to environments with a door (bedrooms), avoiding the living room.

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