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Law 14,216 and the suspension of evictions in rental contracts

One of many measures taken as a result of the state of emergency in public health caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the enactment of Law 14,216, in October 2021, determined the immediate suspension of compliance with judicial, extrajudicial or administrative measures that resulted in eviction or collective forced removal from a private or public property,…

Vacation and short-time rentals

The long awaited moment has come: vacation! Eager to travel, disconnect, “change air”, the expectation is unanimous to spend these long-awaited days in a pleasant place, which meets the expectations of travelers. In this context, those who choose to escape hotels and rent properties for the season should take some precautions: Read the property description…

Short-time rental

The short-term rent (seasonal time) is a kind of residential lease with a fixed term, and the law establishes that this period cannot exceed ninety days. In general, the properties offered for this purpose are equipped with furniture and utensils suitable for use by tenants, which is why it is imperative to catalog these goods,…

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