One of many measures taken as a result of the state of emergency in public health caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the enactment of Law 14,216, in October 2021, determined the immediate suspension of compliance with judicial, extrajudicial or administrative measures that resulted in eviction or collective forced removal from a private or public property, exclusively urban, and the granting of an injunction in an eviction action referred to in Law nº 8,245 (Brazilian Rental Law). denouncement of property leasing and authorized the execution of an amendment to the leasing contract through electronic correspondence or messaging applications.

When enacted, the rule provided for effects until December, 31, 2021, applying to urban residential lease contracts whose installment did not exceed R$ 600.00 and, in cases of non-residential lease, the limit was BRL 1,200.00.

Few weeks to expire, in the judgment of an ADPF (Action for Noncompliance with a Fundamental Precept) the measure was extended until March, 31, 2022 by the STF (Federal Supreme Court), and then again until June, 30, 2022, extending the benefit also to rural property rental.

Once again, being on the verge of losing force, Minister Luis Roberto Barroso understood that he should prolong the effects of the measure, in view of a sudden increase in cases of COVID-19 in June 2022. The effects of the law must, therefore, effective until October, 30, 2022.