A legal novelty brought by Law No. 13,777 / 2018, multiproperty is a new concept within a more comprehensive one, the condominium. Multiproperty is understood as the division of time in the use of a certain property.

Brazilian Civil Code / 2002

Art. 1,358-C. Multiproperty is the condominium regime in which each owner of the same property owns a fraction of time, which corresponds to the exclusive use and enjoyment of the entire property, to be exercised by the owners alternately .

In other words, similarly to the condominium of houses, where each owner owns a portion of the lot or land, in the multi-property, the multi-owners acquire the right to use a certain property for a period of time within a year.

This minimum fraction is 7 days, and it is indivisible, as well as the property object of the multiproperty, whose condominium is also not subject to division.

The institution of multiproperty requires formality of the act, with registration at the competent registry office. Multi-owners have rights and obligations to each other and to property.

This institute aims to reduce seasonality in the use of properties, which significantly contributes to a more equitable distribution of the tourist flow in certain regions. The possibility of using a particular property by 52 families, for example, can favor the establishment of more sustainable practices, more rational use of resources and savings for the pocket of multi-owners, who share expenses and obligations.