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Law 14,216 and the suspension of evictions in rental contracts

One of many measures taken as a result of the state of emergency in public health caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the enactment of Law 14,216, in October 2021, determined the immediate suspension of compliance with judicial, extrajudicial or administrative measures that resulted in eviction or collective forced removal from a private or public property,…

Vacation and short-time rentals

The long awaited moment has come: vacation! Eager to travel, disconnect, “change air”, the expectation is unanimous to spend these long-awaited days in a pleasant place, which meets the expectations of travelers. In this context, those who choose to escape hotels and rent properties for the season should take some precautions: Read the property description…

Vila de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios de Paratii

This long and imposing name was the name given to the region at the bottom of Ilha Grande Bay in 1667, when it was elevated to the status of a village. There is a lot of history about Paraty. Happy to tell you. ; ) This city, now considered a Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage…

Real estate documentation

Today’s post brings the main considerations about the documents needed in real estate purchase and sale transactions. Basically, there are three categories of certificates: those of the seller(s), those of the buyer(s) and those of the property. The best option is to go to the registry office where the deed of purchase and sale will…

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