The short-term rent (seasonal time) is a kind of residential lease with a fixed term, and the law establishes that this period cannot exceed ninety days. In general, the properties offered for this purpose are equipped with furniture and utensils suitable for use by tenants, which is why it is imperative to catalog these goods, attaching the list to the traditional part of the lease.

“In the event that the home-rent involves furnished property, the contract must contain a description of the furniture and utensils that cover it, as well as the state in which they are found”. (sole paragraph of Article 48 of Law No. 8,245 / 91)

Lessor may demand advance payment for the contracted period, as well as any of the guarantee modalities established in article 37 of the Home-location Law.

An important point: if the Lessee remains in the property for more than 30 days after the contractual term and without opposition from the Lessor, the contract is extended for an indefinite period, and the Lessor will only be able to recover the property after 30 months of its beginning or in the hypotheses listed in the Home-Location Law.