At least you’ve heard of it in those terms, and ended up with a big question in your face, right?

All of these words and acronyms, and some others, refer to the so-called “federal government lands”, areas where to Government belongs a fraction of the useful domain of the property. If a private individual uses this area for himself, the “aforamento” institute is in place, which can be roughly compared to a rent. It so happens that, in this case, the owner is the Federal Government, which grants such land for exploitation or enjoyment of its occupant, through an annual payment called “foro”, in the proportion of 0.6% of the evaluation of the full domain of land by the Federal Patrimony Secretariat (Secretaria de Patrimônio da União = SPU).

Each foreign property has an identification with the Secretariat called RIP (Registro Imobiliário Patrimonial): Real Estate Registry; and the transfer of the right to the property presupposes a special authorization from the SPU materialized by the CAT (Certificate of Authorization for Transfer), in addition to the payment of the “laudêmio”, in the proportion of 5% of the updated value of the land, excluding improvements.

DOU. Normative Instruction nº 01/ 2018. Art. 3º The transfer of ownership of the property in the registry of the Secretariat of Patrimony of the Union must be carried out when real estate transactions are carried out involving the transmission of land from the Union, subject to the previous issuance of a Certificate of Authorization for Transfer, as provided in Chapter IV.