Currently regulated by Law 6,530 / 78, the profession of Real Estate Agent requires from the him the completion and approval of the technical course in real estate transactions and regular registration with the class council, CRECI (Conselho Regional dos Corretores de Imóveis).

Law 6,530 / 78, Art 3º It is incumbent upon the Real Estate Agent to exercise the intermediation in the purchase, sale, exchange and rent of properties, and may also give an opinion on the real estate commercialization.

Among the Agent’s prohibitions in the exercise of his profession, the following stand out:

  • harm, through intent or guilt, the interests entrusted to it; publicly announce a transaction proposal that you are not authorized to do with a written document; advertise allotment or condominium property without mentioning the registration number of the subdivision or incorporation in the Property Registry; deny interested parties the rendering of accounts or receipts of amounts or documents that have been given to them in any capacity, among other prohibitions.

In relation to his clients, the Agent must show himself to be a conscious and up-to-date professional regarding the circumstances of the business, learning about the data, facts and risks that may compromise him. He must render accounts whenever requested or concluded the deal, returning documents and issuing receipts of the amounts transacted. He must promptly refuse negotiations that he knows are illegal or immoral, and he must, above all, establish in his contracts a detailed description of his services.